Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Commit Suicide


Tadi pergi ber-facebook-ing.
Secara automatis tangan bergerak dan masuk ke laman profile si dia yang dibenci.
Hidup dia sangat bahagia!Mint kat sini macam apa?Ish...

Tak pasal2 telah menyakitkan hati sendiri.Sakit Hati!!!!!

Dah lah,buat-buat tak ingat lah pasal dia.
Minggu ni banyak test and my bridge TOS masih lagi takde rupa bridge.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Kekasih yang tak Dianggap
by Kertas

Aku mentari

Tapi tak menghangatkan mu

Aku pelangi

Tak memberi warna dihidupmu

Aku sang bulan

Tak menerangi malammu

Akulah bintang

Yang hilang ditelan kegelapan

Selalu itu yang

Kau ucapkan padaku

Sebagai kekasih yang tak dianggap

Aku hanya bisa mencoba mengalah

Menahan setiap amarah

Aku sang bulan

Tak menerangi malammu

Akulah bintang

Yang hilang ditelan kegelapan

Sebagai kekasih yang tak dianggap

Aku hanya bisa mencoba mengalah

Menahan setiap amarah

Sebagai kekasih yang tak dianggap

Aku hanya bisa mencoba bersabar

Ku yakin kau kan berubah

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Dulu ingat nak pergi jauh buat sementara.Tapi takleh lah.Nak jugak ber-blog.Walaupun keyboard bermasalah,ku harungi jua.

Minggu nie sangat padat dengan test!

Rabu _22/10_2030hrs_soilMechanics

Test Building Supervision still tak tau bler.And ini minggu terakhir before study week.Huh.

Plus!Ada project TOS,membina bridge.Argh!Projek grup mint,masih lagi tak nampak mcm bridge,(dalam kata lain,still a long way to go)...and kena hantar before hari Khamis.

Have to go through all this...yeah..Bertahan Mint!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Kemungkinan tidak akan update blog kerna;
  • keyboard yg bermasalah
  • sibuk dengan test
  • sibuk dengan assignment!
Tetapi kalau tetiba rasa mcm nak update.....adalah...


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Action day 2008-Poverty


Every country in the world have at least a group of citizen who suffered poverty.

What causes this to happen?Well,politics,social,economics and environmental.

I have the experience of looking at children who suffered poverty. They are so young to even understand what they are going through. These children never get to feel what its like to wear new clothes,and some of them doesn't even own any.They don't get to feel what its like to eat 3 times a day.And sadly,they never have the chance to go to school to study and learn new things.

As they grow up,they might realize that they are suffering from poverty.

We as the lucky ones,should make a difference and help to change the life of this children
We should lend a hand and contribute so that they will get all the necessities that every children in the world needs.

Poverty can be reduced,if every single person in the universe take part.

Helping can be in any ways,not only by donating money.We can help by spreading some words about this issue,help some organization to handle campaign to reduce poverty.
Posting this entry for the Blog Action Day 2008-Poverty also could be counted as a contribution because it would raise awareness about this issue.

And don't look down on them just because they suffered from poverty.

We are all the same,God's most wonderful creations.

A simple step may change the life of a person.

Do help and contribute.


Found this somewhere not mine...(yeke??)..

Hey you!
Why don’t you just let me go?
Eh wait, you do let me go, but I’m the one who keep on thinking about you.
I feel so stupid.
You make me feel stupid.
At first, I could control myself, but you came and pull me towards you.
And NOW, you left me just like that.
You called yourself a friend??

Without saying a word, not even a simple goodbye,

I was so stupid to imagined being happy that our friendship will remain forever
I was so stupid for thinking about you, when I can think about something else which is more important than you.
I was stupid!

So stupid to even believed your words.
This is not my first time going through this kind of humiliation, but when it includes you, it hurt me MORE!
Why can’t you even reply my “HI” when you’re online? What makes you ignored me so much? Can't you even type the word “HI”…is it so hard??
Why? I need the answer!
I hate that I can’t stop thinking about you.
I hate myself for checking up on your life everyday.
I hate that you are still on my friend list.
I even hate to see your name appear on my contacts.
I have to calm myself whenever I feel sorry for myself for knowing you.
I love each and everyone of my friends. But you,you are such a jerk. Without a word???Hell yeah!
And now, I’m so tired of this stupid-humiliated-wasted feeling. I’m trying to stop thinking about you and I’ll try to stop checking up on your life.
Get up Mint! Wake Up! Still a long way to go!!

luahan perasaan,bukan di ambil dari mana-mana.hehhe :p

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

d'Masiv-Di antara Kalian

ku akui ku sangat sangat menginginkanmu
tapi kini ku sadar ku di antara kalian
aku tak mengerti
ini semua harus terjadi

kuakui ku sangat sangat mengharapkanmu
tapi kini ku sadar ku tak akan bisa
aku tak mengerti
ini semua harus terjadi

lupakan aku kembali padanya
aku bukan siapa-siapa untukmu
kucintaimu tak berarti bahwa
ku harus memilikimu s’lamanya
(this part not suitable for my situation)

kuakui ku sangat sangat menginginkanmu
tapi kini ku sadar ku di antara kalian
aku tak mengerti

Aimi introduced me to this song.And this song HIT me on the face!

Siapa Mahu Ikut?

Weekend ni,Kami The Gig,di Bukit Jalil.
Nak sangat pergi,tapi assignment banyak and my friend semua busy so tiada peneman.

Oh ya,peneman setia ku@bodyguard,Si D...dah kena tahan dan tidak dibenarkan keluar kerana SPM dah dekat.

Mint yang tiada kena mengena pun terasa kehangatan SPM sebab tiada kawan tuk bersuka ria.Dia kena GROUNDED!Secara tak langsung,my social activities got grounded too.

So settle lah,no reason nak balik weekend nie.Boleh meluangkan masa for studies and assignments.

What about next weekend??
It's gonna be a long weekend because of Sultan Pahang's Birthday and Deepavali.
Unfortunately,its the beginning of study week.Balik ke tak??
Kawan2 ramai yang balik..Ish...assignment mesti dah takde because class semua dah tamat.

So,Mint mengambil langkah bijak and called my brother to ask for his opinion.But,my brother is still sleeping,so Mama picked up the phone.

Ma:Hah...Danish tidur lagi,semalam dia tidur lambat.
Me:Ma ada apa-apa event yang memerlukan along balik tak?
Ma:Setakat nie takde lagi lah nak,minggu nie takde kut.Tapi minggu depan kan long weekend
Me:Yup..tu yang tanya nie,lepas weekend tu study week
Ma:Oh..Isnin deepavali,so nakbalik sana hari apa?
Me:Hari selasa lah...so along balik eh next week?
Ma: Hah.balik lah...

Yeah!confirmed!next week I'm going back..Miss La Familia..........

So kena pergi beli ticket lah nie for next week.

Oh ya,25 nie ada"hariBintangJatuh Wani Ardy".
Siapa nak teman Mint??Since alang2 I dah ada di KL,so why not I go kan...
Jomlah teman.
Danial dah kene grounded,and my cousins semua ada wedding on that day.Friends?Tak terfikir nak ajak siapa lagi...still searching for peneman....Nakpergisesangat!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

handbag planet????

Win a free handbag?
For real?
I'm not sure myself,but no harm to give it a try anyway.
So girls....just click on the link below to send in your entry....


Friday, October 10, 2008

Ada Bintang Ke?

Semua orang perlu kan matahari untuk hidup.
Masa tadika lagi kita dah terdedah kepada fakta bahawa matahari amat penting untuk semua jenis kehidupan.

Sebab tu seringkali,kekasih akan di simbol kan ibarat matahari.
Contohnya lagu Agnes Monica yang diberi nama Matahari.Nah.

Tapi,Mint taknak matahari.Mint nak bintang.
Memanglah matahari tu memberi sinar,tapi kadang-kadang panas sangat.Dan bila malam,bukanke bumi berputar dan kita tak dapat lihat matahari??(ntah,Mint dulu malas belajar bab-bab nie...kalau salah...ntahar..)

Kenapa bintang?
Apa yang Mint faham,24jam sebenarnya bintang tu ada.Tapi waktu siang,cahaya matahari kuat sangat dan bintang tak kelihatan.Dan kadang-kadang malam pun tak nampak bintang sebab awan tebal.
Walaupun cahaya matahari terang sangat, dan awan tebal menutup bintang...bintang tu tetap setia kat situ.Cuma kita yang tak nampak.

Ada Bintang Ke?
(Link ke hasil nukilan Mint :P)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Apa Khabar Orang Kampung??

Setelah lama mendiamkan diri.
Menikmati hari-hari akhir bulan Ramadhan dan menyambut bulan Syawal.
Thanx to everyone who wishes me on my birthday!!Love you all.

Setelah beberapa tahun lamanya,Mint asyik berangan nak buat kuih raya sendiri.Akhirnya,taathun nie impian tercapai.
Mint buat 2 jenis kuih and dua-dua pun rasa lebih kurang.Ntahlah.

muka bangga nak menunjukkan bakat

my lil helper!!

- product-

Oh,raya tahun nie,Mint tak banyak bergambar kerana.......
  • I just realize that my nose sangat KEMEK!!!!!memang tahu kemek dari dulu,tapi bila compare dengan hidung orang lain,macam takde tulang langsung!
  • And I can't smile properly!!!!hampir dalam semua gambar,Mint suka buat muka yang tah pape....buruk ar dalam gambar...
tapi bersyukur dengan ciptaan tuhan.Dia dah bagi hidung pun dh cukup bagus.Jadi sekarang kalau nak snap picture,kena make sure picture tu taken from the right angle.Heh.And Mint masih berlatih macammana nak menghasilkan senyuman yang normal.

p/s:Mint bosan lah dengan nama blog ney...MINT...pergh tahpape jer.Jadi kengkawan ku sekalian,any suggestion tak,nama baru untuk my blog?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Nak Tua!!

Goodbye nine-teen!!

Hello twen-ty

In 2 hours time,I'm a ty-agers...

