Friday, September 28, 2007


At 10am this morning,me and my roomate happily walking back from class to our room.While we're walking nearby the postguard,suddenly.....

Guard:Awak tau tak apa kesalahan awak?
Meen:Tau..*innocent face on*
Guard:Saya bukan nak tegur,tapi awak punya color rambut tu nampak sgt,jd saya terpaksa
tulis nama awak
meen:mmmm...ok..*muka yg sgt decent*
Guard:So,saya terpaksa suruh awk pakai tudung lah,mana card matrix...mmm...tolong sign sini!!

I am like so baik!!!But FUCK oFF!!!who gonna wear tudung!!!!HHUHUHU.... how can u paksa ppl like that!!YAAYA..i know i'm the one who is wrong by going against the rules!!But then open ur eyes and look!!how many chinese girls actually coloured their hair,,not forgetting some boys!!!!...WHAT_E_VA!!!
Ok now i sound like a real SATAn!!!hehehe...but i don't wanna be to i'm gonna coloured it BLACk...oh cut that out...dark blue will be cool...or dark green!!dark purple!!! now. for the time being..i'm going to buat bodoh!!!lalallallalalllalalaa...

My point of view:*formal mode*
Well,i think that the government or the higher education ministry should re-do the rules and regulation of University.For example,nowadays,coloured hair is the in-trend,So obviously no teenagers wanna be left out of the trend.Then,what are they trying to do by not allowing us,the students to coloured our hair?well,dress code to class rules is fine because if there is no rules in dress code,may be some students will wear unappropriate clothes to class,BUT HAIR???whats wrong with it..
Don't the government want to produce a "BRAINYand TRENDY" generation..or they still want to stick with their mission of producing,"BRAINY and NERDY" generation.Fashion is not so bad anyway.
There is two situation:
Imagine there is a conference going on,and it involved the whole world,including my beloved MALAYSIA!
1)Malaysia reprsentative is an engineer,with a thick nerdy spectacles,with an outdated large blouse(which is prouced 30 years ago),with extra red lipstick,so not balanced make-up on the face,with hair parting in the middle,and a shoes of her mother..which is also the fashion of 30 years ago!
2)Malaysia representative is an engineer,with hair which is so UP-to-date with the latest fashion,pencil skirt,silk tunic shirt(armaniexchange),handbag from lesportsac,,so light and natural makeup!..and lastly shoes....and not forgetting those light-n-attractive accessories.

So can you imagine it a liltle in your mind what did I actually wanted to say here?if yes!!!u are so with me..I want to be the BRAINY and TRENDY,even though i'm not that SO UPDATED with fashion,But HEY! i have a fashion sense too..but its so tiny!!hehehhe...ok nuff thinking what to do for two weeks before going back to KL,because my aunty is the inly one who understands my hair!!

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