Thursday, September 18, 2008


I Miss My Grandmama.

Semalam masa berbuka,Farah buat air teh panas.
Dah lama kitaorang berhajat nak berbuka dengan air teh panas nie,tapi selalu tak kesampaian sebab..
  • malas
  • Yana tak suka minum teh wangi (Farah cuma ada teh wangi je)
Apa kena mengena minum teh dengan Mint rindu dengan arwah nenek??

Masa farah tengah buat air teh,Mint terus teringat kat nenek.
Aroma and rasa teh wangi tu exactly like the air teh I used to drink in nenek's house.

Its been a year since nenek died.I miss her.I don't get to see her for the last time because I'm here in UMP.Anyhow.I did blog about her condition when she's in coma.
Post about her1 and her2.

Yesterday,everytime I took a sipped of the tea,it remind me of her.

Hari Raya is just around the corner,and this year will be the 2nd raya without Nenek.
Last time, her signature dishes during Hari Raya will be her delicious "Agar-agar" and "wajik durian".And not forgetting the only food that I'm so crazy over,the "Sambal Sotong".

Atuk left before nenek.He died in 2005.
Before atuk left us,nenek loves to cook Rendang Daging.Everyone in the family will praised nenek for her cooking.
I still remember back in the old days when some of my aunty asked ,..

"Ma,macammana mak buat rendang sedap eh?sedap betul"
"Tanya lah baba kau tu"
"Hah??Macam mana ba?"
"Alah,masa ma masak,baba tolong kacau."

And then me and my adik tak puas hati with atuk answer..

"Tuk,macammana atuk tolong kacau rendang.Bukan atuk tak larat ke"
"Alah.tak susah pun.Atuk bukan kacau rendang dalam periuk,atuk kacau nenek kacau rendang".


Masa atuk and nenek sihat-sihat belaka,memang wajib setiap hujung minggu Atuk bawak Nenek makan kat luar untuk breakfast atau lunch.

I Miss My Grandparent.

Al-fatihah.Moga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat.


Rahimin Idris said...

eh, memang la. nenek, atuk, ayah sume dah takde apa.
selamat hari raya walaupon lambat lagi ni hahaha

-MiNt- said...

apa lu merepek nie..nenek ngn atuk wa jer yang dah tade..

Selamat Hari Raya juga!

Rahimin Idris said...

bukan ayah, atuk, nenek kau yang takde. ayah, atuk, nenek aku yang dah tak ada. tinggal mak je lagi. tak tau apasal aku taip jadi macam tu pulak. penat kot. sori bai!

selamat beli baju raya! haha
