Wednesday, December 30, 2009

oh my sunshine!

Alhamdulillah kepada Tuhan yang maha Esa.

I feel like its xmas today!!!!

Almost all that I wish for are granted...
  • On Monday I saw the guy that makes my heart beats faster and slower at the same time..
  • Today JacqAzz feel blessed!!!!!2 in 1!!!!
I love you God.

But except one thing,the wireless sux in my room.Tapi kawan-kawan lain puji kata wireless dah laju dan bagai.Pehal eh mine macam shit!!

Please God.pretty-pretty please.I'll be a SUPER good girl if you granted this one.

AAAAAA...i'm excited!!!!feel like screaming!!!!!!!!!!! :O
I want a big hug from the yakuza!...(gedik tak bai???)

*(...)-note to bai singh....

p/,yesterday I heard our song....ILY...


Anonymous said...

gedik la jugak..
td kate nak peluk laptop je kan..
ni da naek taraf lak..


Anonymous said...

i heart them!!!!

-ms zeyzoul-

Anonymous said...

walw ade ketakpuasan hati wa terhadap diorang on certain things,
tp pasal personal wa xcampurkan.
profesional la katekan....

''i heart them too~''
(pernah tgk org chat cmni x?haha)

