Thursday, March 4, 2010

Teatime with Adianeem (5)

Bommie tengah bersantai lepas penat setengah hari bekerja.
Tiba-tiba dia rasa handphone vibrate.
"Oh,Minzy call..kenapa eh?Bukan she's on da way to a show ke"

Belum sempat Bommie nak call balik or sms...dah ada dua sms masuk..

Ah Shit!!

Bom!!!siyesly howt gossip!!

Bommie terus terduduk and she get all excited.

We meet after your program finish.


Bommie is worried.She think that something huge must have happen,because Minzy reply with such a short but exaggerate "Ah!!".

I'm going to die babe!!!

Your reply make me curious babe.You concentrate on your program and we'll talk about it later.See you.

At 1pm.Bommie meet up with Minzy.

Minzy tell Bommie about what has happened.

"What happen?"
"The boys over flower was looking at me seriously!!they even took their turn.One person at one time.I was walking behind them"
"OMG!!!They notice you!!!"
"I feel like shit.They look and talk..."
"Look at you???really you??"
"Yup,I've checked...The Aku's was in front of them,and no one is walking behind me.So obviously it was me!!"
"wow!!such a progress....congratulations!! does it happen?"
"First,I walked happily and suddenly all four of them come out from nowhere and walk in front of me.So i keep myself cool.Suddenly KimJoon turned,he stare at me for long time...."
"walk while stare at you??"
"Yup...then KimJoon face the front and whispered something into JiHoo ears.Then it was JiHoo who turned and look at me...Then Jihoo face the front and say something to all of them.And was ZF...and ZF was talking.I've never seen him talk like that before.Then it was WB turn."
"Wow babe!!!this is Daebak!!"
"ZF and JiHoo program was held next  the room I'm going in to."
"After arriving in front of my venue,I pretend not to look...then I took a chance to look into the room  ZF and JiHoo was in...both of them are staring at me!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Owh Mie Gawch!!!So,that is why I received an sms sound.."Ah!!"..hahahha"

Then,Bommie and Minzy plan something.They wait for ZF and Jihoo program ended.
They wanted to make sure that what they are thinking are true.
So,Bommie and Minzy decided to go to the CoffeShop at the exact same time ZF and JiHoo went in.

It was a planned-coincidence situation.

Minzy heartbeat was beating faster than usual.
Just like what happen to Bommie before.But Minzy's is more terrible since Minzy are head-over-heels towards ZF.
Bommie got no feeling.So it was not so big deal when it happen to her.

p/s:Its fictional.True.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

not a big deal ye bai??hahaa
