*14 April 2008 -Bertolak dari KL pukul 330pm dan tiba di Kuantan 7PM.Sebaik tiba di UMP baca memo dan ada memo bertajuk " PERKASA : JEMPUTAN KE MAJLIS WACANA MENEROKA ANGKASA MINDA BERSAMA ANGKASAWAN NEGARA"..Mint terus jadi over excited!!!.Lepas tu terfikir,event start pukul 9am tapi Mint ada class from 8 to 10.And then at 12 ada class and the event end at 1..Whatever..yg penting mint dpt jumpa our angkasawan
Bangun pagi macam biasa,pergi English class and ada presentation.Masa dalam kelas asyik tengok jam sebab event tu start pukul 9am.Duduk dalam kelas pun tak tenang.And masa kelas dah habis at 10am.Tanpa membuang masa, mint and the others menuju ke Block W, di mana acara akan berlangsung.Dalam hati,"mesti event dah start,kena masuk pintu belakang or tak dpt masuk langsung".
Tengok keadaan luar DKU macam tgh sibuk-sibuk prepare,macam belum sampai jer.Tanya ajk yang handle...
mint:Dr dah sampai??
ajk:Blum,masuk DKU1 atau DKU 2
mint:Dr akan duduk kat mana?
ajk:DKU 1,tapi kat DKU 2 ada screen besar.
mint:DKU 1 ada tempat kosong lagi tak?
ajk:Try masuk and tengok,kalau takde pegi DKU 2
(tak ingat the actual place..its either DKU1 or DKU2)
Thank God, the event got delayed!!So, mint and all my classmate masuk DKU1.Hampir semua seats dah occupied,kalau ada pun 1 seat at every end. All my classmate walk to the back of the DKU except for me and Aimin.We decided to seat at the empty seat at the end of the row. And we share one seat for the whole event.
I took out my camera with excitement,my camera and Aimin did all the shoot.At first all the shoot are blurred.because the of the lens..
10ish am.....
"Mengumumkan ketibaan..blabla..."
*wah....................the angkasawan yang selama ni mint tgk on tv and papers!!!he is in front of me!!!*
I'm so excited!!!!!
Aimin recorded all his speeches, except for last2 part because we scared that we might run out of battery and memory for the autograph session.All the speeches are for our (me and aimin) pembakar semangat!!!And we're going to show it to our familia!
He is the most positive talker i ever met. His positive thinking level is so high..And NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE..
When the event almost ende, everyone busy taking pictures of him inside of the DKU,but me and aimin, we get out of the DKU and go to buy his late brother book.
Reaching For The Stars by the late Sheikh Mustapha Shukor Al-Masrie.
And here comes the autograph session!!!!i loike!!
I beratur punya lah lama, and then tetiba one whole bunch of idiotic seniors and cut the line!!!Lucky I'm so positive thinking at that time so I'm so pissed off.
I think the Dr have a tight schedule because he only managed to signed the book and thats it.
There goes my dreams of wanting him to write.."To Aida,(sign)"...
And we are not allowed to take photos with him,however he tried his best to entertain us.
Oh ya!!!while he was signing,me and my friends, we tried our best to take photos of ourself with him at the back!!!Even he was not looking at the camera pun takpa,as long as it is him.
When i was taking my friends photos,then he asked me.."Dapat?"...and i answered with my EXTRA polite voice + my most sincere smile.."Dapat..".....wargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then while he was signing my book,I turn to face my friend with the DR at my back, and quickly took a picture of me and him as the background. Then i turn and I'm stuck in front of him, i don't wanna move. He gave me back my book and he talk to me again!!!
the DR looks FINE!!!
Dr:Tahun berapa?
Me:First year...(with my most polite and sincere voice+ the smile!!!)
OMG!!I lupa nak hulurkan my tangan and salam with him.Takpa,tunggu sampai dia balik.
While tunggu for him to entertain everyone, me sitting at the side and enjoying the view of the DR live in front of me!..and my friend Aimin, with my camera, can't get enough of him.She keep taking photos of the doctor...hehehehe.Aimin can't get enough!..
My penantian tidak merugikan.Bila dia dah bangun nak bergerak ke kereta, some students take this chances and stand beside him to take picture with him.Aimin wanted to,but I told her,,"alah nanti next time jumpa ambiklah"..hehehehe...pity aimin.
Me being his fan,I menghulurkan my tangan to have a handshake with the ANGKASAWAN!!!yeah!!
And we are not allowed to take photos with him,however he tried his best to entertain us.
I followed the crowd,sending him to his car.
Bila kereta tu dah bergerak, Dr melambaikan tangan dari dalam, and me with full of SEMANGAT I melambai from the outside.I feel as if he is waving to me...hehehe
Mint:I think he was waving to me
Min:eh i feel the same too
Mint:Alah..everyone feels like that
min:hehehehehe..true true
*min is my friend!not my innerself..hahahaha
While attending this historical events of my life,i skipped construction class.And the lecturer said that if our attendance are not 100%, we are not allowed to seat for finals which is one week from now.
Mint:Encik kena buat surat ke?
Lecturer:Aida,awk pergi tengok Dr Sheikh ye semalam?
Mint:*smile innocently*
Lecturer:Saya taknak terima alasan tu,pandai2 lah awk buat surat.
Mint:OK..(hish encik nie langsung tak bersemangat patriotiklah.I skipped class to jumpa
Angkasawan negara..)
Sampai sekarang surat tak siap2 lagi.hehehe
I can't think of a reason.Anyway, that is my first time not attending his class.Plus, I didn't attend his class because of something priceless!!!hehehehe.
p/s:HE is so HUMBLE+DOWN TO EARTH...(isn't it the same??)hehehe
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