Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Action day 2008-Poverty


Every country in the world have at least a group of citizen who suffered poverty.

What causes this to happen?Well,politics,social,economics and environmental.

I have the experience of looking at children who suffered poverty. They are so young to even understand what they are going through. These children never get to feel what its like to wear new clothes,and some of them doesn't even own any.They don't get to feel what its like to eat 3 times a day.And sadly,they never have the chance to go to school to study and learn new things.

As they grow up,they might realize that they are suffering from poverty.

We as the lucky ones,should make a difference and help to change the life of this children
We should lend a hand and contribute so that they will get all the necessities that every children in the world needs.

Poverty can be reduced,if every single person in the universe take part.

Helping can be in any ways,not only by donating money.We can help by spreading some words about this issue,help some organization to handle campaign to reduce poverty.
Posting this entry for the Blog Action Day 2008-Poverty also could be counted as a contribution because it would raise awareness about this issue.

And don't look down on them just because they suffered from poverty.

We are all the same,God's most wonderful creations.

A simple step may change the life of a person.

Do help and contribute.


poyotito said...

pesen tulis kut BI ni gua lemah semangat nak baca nih


-MiNt- said...

hahah...alah,sesekali ja tulis BI.
