Monday, January 25, 2010

Teatime with Adianeem Bedtime Special!!

Mint bajet dia punya segment Teatime With Adianeem ni ramai pengikut ar konon.Siap ada special bedtime lah.Puhlease ar Mint.Syok sendiri.!!!hahahaha...Tapi I know a person who loves this section! one and only BaiSingh.hhahaha.

Bommie bosan duduk rumah.Yelah,promotion album,drama shooting semua dah habis.Sekarang tengah tunggu orang offer project baru.
Bommie pun terus call best friend dia,Minzy.

Bom:Babe,party caja!
Bom:I know a place.I'll pick you up in 15 minutes.Get ready.

Selepas dah plan everything out.Bommie drive to pick up MInzy from her apartment.

Bom:Hai babe!
Minzy:Where to party??
Bom:...mmmm....babe,I think I'm craving for this one sweets lah.Lets go to next city punya shop.Kat situ jer ada jual sweets tu.
Minzy:Bommie!!!its like 1hr drive from here.
Bom:takper2.You just sit there,and I'll drive.

So,to fulfill her craving towards this typical sweets.Bommie drive all the way there.The shop is situated near a condominium.

Minzy:Babe,bukan ke the famous brothers stays in this apartment?
MInzy:Alah...Sean and LQ

Bommie buat-buat tak dengar jer bila Minzy cerita pasal Sean n LQ.Konon tak berminat.
Dia terus park her car and masuk kedai to get the sweets.
After paying and everything...

Minzy:You keluar right on time...

Bommie jalan sambil buka packaging sweets yang di beli.Buka dengan penuh ketekunan,sampai tak nampak orang kiri kanan.
Masa tengah bukak sweets tu,sebenarnya Bommie dah tau,yang Sean and LQ tengah jalan towards her.
Tapi biasa lah.Bommie nak jaga image,kena pura-pura jual mahal.
Bommie pun tekun buka sweets....

LQ:Abang...ada kedai rupanya bawah condo kita ni..
Sean...EH!...(dengan eksperesi muka yang blur)
LQ:jom lah...
Sean:dah2...jom balik..esok pergi..

Ececech...saja je kan,bommie buat2 concentrate bukak packaging.Padahal dengar every words.Packaging sweets tu macam packaging Mentos,tak susah pun nak bukak sebenarnya.

Minzy:Comel nyer!!
Bom:AAAAAAAA!!!!!!rasa macam tvxq look at me..hahahha...


p/s:hahahah...told ya bosan!!orang-orang yang paham jer yang tak bosan.

Its fictional true
