Wednesday, March 17, 2010

MorningGlory13 (not so morning)

Mood Gorning.

For 3 days straight,I had no classes.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday.
And my brain stop working.
Yelah,rajin pula Mint nak study kalau takde kelas the next day.
Pending work to be done are all q in a line,but still...procastination is a thief of time....

Today I woke up while singing in my head.Seriously!I know its weird.
I'm singing Condition Of My Heart by Justin Guarini.

I miss ya!!!
You are next to me,yet so far away.
So far that I can't even see you.


p/s:He really don't remember me,or he act like he don't know me??HUMILIATED!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i choose for he acts like he don't know u.haha

lek bai.
nnt2 ok la tu.
