Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hate it but got to do it.

The semester has ended.And it is the part I hate the most.Packing things!

Packing is one thing.Then I have to carry the boxes to the store.Argh!
At time like this,I wish I have a superhero as my boyfriend.Then he can help me to carry everything.
If superhero is too much to ask for,then a man who will be my hero is enough.hhhahaha.
Whatever it is,in the end of the day,it will be ME alone who carry all the boxes.

What did i put in the boxes???Books!!!

Oh ya,and all the papers that I've used while doing my revision.Takkan nak buang.haish.

Okok...gotta go continue thinking on how to pack and make the boxes slightly lighter so that I'll be able to carry it all the way.
Thinking  ok,not packing.hahhaha.

~~I'm gonna be ok,I'll be ok!Baby without you~~

Oh ya,No more saYang whatsoever.Fan-to-friend pun dah hilang.Null.

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